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Direct Contact to demdong
 demdong - ID: 1321246
 Name:  demdong
 IP & Posted by: on January 7, 2015 at 10:14pm
 Updated by:  January 5, 2016 at 10:23pm
 Gender:  Male
 Age:  42
 Height:  5 Feet 8 Inches (173 cm)
 Weight:  135 lbs (62 kg)
 Body Type:  Slim
 From City:  phan thiet
 Zip:  0997592887
 Country:  Viet Nam
 Religion:  Buddhist/Taoist
 Education:  Will tell you later
 Occupation:  kinh doanh
 Smoker:  Light smoker
 Drinker:  Not drink at all
 Marital Status: Single
 My goal:  phan dau cho su nghiep tot nhat nhung gi co the.
 Free Time:  cepe voi ban be nghe nhac doc bao .
 I Am:  y tuong song cua minh.tinh yeu la mot tinh cam cao ca,se lam bung sang ca mang dem,tai sinh nhung tam hon lac loi,va kien tao nen nhung gia tri vi dai nhat cua con nguoi.nhung doi khi cung chinh vi tinh yeu da giet chet tam hon con nguoi ta.nhung trong moi cuoc doi con nguoi ta khong ai tranh duoc tinh yeu,chinh vi vay chung ta hay cu yeu nhau di khi yeu song chet vi yeu,khi yeu dung bao gio toan tinh.
 Looking For:  tim nguoi cung y tuong song .khi yeu song chet vi yeu...nick yahoo cua minh dt 099 bay nam chin hai tam tam bay .rat vui khi nhan duoc hoi am cua cac ban .....

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